A restaurant worker who chased a would-be-thief away from a till with a kitchen knife has lost his personal licence.

Valentine Ejihkeme was preparing food in the kitchen of a Dundas Street business when a man entered who was regularly causing annoyance at the premises.

After spotting him at the till, Ejihkeme ran after the man down the street while brandishing a knife, the city's licensing board heard today.

The incident was filmed on a mobile phone and reported to the police by a person passing in a car.

Ejihkeme asked councillors to give him "another chance" while appearing before the board admitting he had made a "mistake."

Pointing out the man often caused a disturbance at the eatery, Ejihkeme said he was worried the "guy was going to take something" when he went to the till.

He told the board: "I rushed out with the knife in my hand."

He said: "When he left I went back to work. When the police attended it became clear to me I had committed an offence."

As punishment he received a restriction of liberty order last month at Glasgow Sheriff Court for the crime, which took place at 6pm on December 13, 2023.

Ejihkeme claimed he had stood on the doorstep of the business holding the knife, which differed from the police report.

A Police Scotland inspector told the board: "Someone in a car saw him chase a male along Dundas Street."

He said the incident was recorded and Ejihkeme was seen brandishing a knife.

The board heard Ejihkeme was currently unable to work currently due to health issues.

Councillors questioned him on how his presentation of what happened differed from the police and court narrative.

Sticking to his account, Ejihkeme said: "I was in front of my restaurant. That is where I stood. Unfortunately the knife I was using in the kitchen was still in my hand."

He said: "What I did was out of ignorance. I made a mistake. I didn't chase anyone down the street."

He continued: "I am appealing to you to give me another chance. It was an aggravated situation. I want to go back to work when I feel well."

The board revoked his licence.

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